WLST stands for Weblogic Scripting Tool that system admin use to monitor weblogic instances and domains and perform most of admin task using this tool e.g. check server status , create domain , managed server , start , stop server etc..
WSLT is based on java scripting interpreter , jython (www.jython.org).
WSLT can be used in three ways
1) Using command line
2)Using script file (.py extension) , which can be run as
java weblogic.WLST
3)Embedding Mode
We can embed WLST in java code
import weblogic.management.scripting.utils.WLSTInterpreter;
import org.python.util.InteractiveInterpreter
Java Class and Logic
How to connect to weblogic
- Open Command window.
- Set the environment for weblogic
- java weblogic.WLST
After connecting to WSLT , we can run command in two mode offline and online.
offline mode
To use offline enter command , set variables or run script at WSLT prompt.
online mode
To use it online we need to connect to weblogic server first and then use command against running server.
I connect to localhost weblogic for demo using connect command.
connect(username , pwd , t3: // url)
Note : we have security warning because it is always advisable to connect to weblogic using secure channel.
Now we are free to perform action against our connected server.
If you need help type following command , it tells how to locate all important command.
There is common phrase that before entering some thing please be well informed how to exit.
So here is command to exit WLST Window.
Now we can play around with all the WSLT command as needed.