Download jdevstudio11115install from oracle website and install your jdeveloper.
Start the jdeveloper and install the SOA Suite composite editor for jdeveloper from help and check for updates.
Download jdevstudio11115install from oracle website and install your jdeveloper.
Start the jdeveloper and install the SOA Suite composite editor for jdeveloper from help and check for updates.
Download ofm_soa_generic_11. and ofm_soa_generic_11.
Run setup.exe with proper JDK Path.\Disk1\setup.exe
In Last step of setup following component is installed as you can notice in Applications.
Oracle BPEL PM , Mediator , Rules , B2B , Human Workflow , Oracle BAM , Oracle EM.
Configuring SOA Suite
Open Configuration wizard and click getting start link.
Click create weblogic domain and follow component wizard will appear next.
Select Oracle Enterprise Manager and SOA Suite for Developer.
Complete rest of the easy steps.
Please download RCU from Oracle Website ofm_rcu_win_11. and extract it.
Note: If you want to use Oracle XE as your database, you have to set the RCU_JDBC_TRIM_BLOCKS environment variable to TRUE *prior* to running RCU. As a reminder as to support level, when running RCU against XE you will receive a warning stating that the database version is not supported by Oracle Oracle Doc Reference
Command Line > set RUC_JDBC_TRIM_BLOCKS=true
Command Line > RCUPATH/rcu.bat
Let us just install SOA Suite schema at this point.
So following schema is going to be installed for us.
Ignoring couple of warnings , here is list of schema that will be installed after create button is pressed.
Here we are done with installation of SOA Suite schema with RCU help on our XE database.
Please download wls1035_oepe111172_win32 weblogic from Oracle website and install it with typical installation.
Please set the middleware home
It’s time to upgrade to new Express 11g from 10g. So I am installing brand new Oracle 11g XE on my system.
Please download Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2 from Oracle website. Complete the setup which is most simple thing to do.
Tune Oracle Environment for FMW Installation
Click Run SQL Command Line and set the following tuning parameter to install FMW component.
sqlplus sys/welcome1@XE as sysdba
SQL> show parameter session
SQL> show parameter processes
SQL> alter system reset sessions scope=spfile sid='*';
SQL> alter system set processes=300 scope=spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup
SQL> show parameter session
SQL> show parameter processes
Open the browser version of XE and you will notice the new look of Oracle XE 11G R2.
Enjoy 11G !!